Monday, July 18, 2011

What are good straightening balms?

I don't have very curly hair, my hair is wavy. I don't like using a straightening iron. Recommend any products? Hows this one Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Style Anti-Frizz Straightening Creme?

Some questions about the English Defence League (EDL)?

English because they are racist (NF\BNP style) rather than just right-wing (UKIP style). I imagine they have a low opinion of the Scots and the Welsh, given they are a heavily pro nationalist group. They wouldn't let a moderate muslim in or even a moderate christian, just in case you are wondering. The EDL probably sympathise with other extremists like the IRA.

Were to safely download free songs?

Im lookin for a sight that has minimum to no virus,or any other hazardous things, to download free music(no limewire please) I love music but were i live no CDs that i wont, and no way ima pay 10$ plus for a CD, so any suggestions i will really appreciate it.

Autism spectrum disorder?

My son is 3.5 and still yet to be tested but started seeing the signs after he gave me the heart attack of a lifetime. He was drawn to fans, obsessed with colors, letters and numbers, lining up cars and disinterested in most his other toys. The scary signs were his absolute fearlessness (with exceptions to noises) and always drawn to water, and self abusive when upset. I have a cousin who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (in the autism spectrum) and was able to see the similarities as well. All in all it never hurts to get tested (in my case cause he's high functioning) be persistent and make your concerns heard.

What is the proper diet, exercise, lifestyle to help my baby develop?

Congrats. Make sure you are taking prenatal vitamins or a good multi. Eat healthy foods - whole grains, lean protein, fruits and veggies, lots of fiber. Make sure you get enough fluid - you need more when you are pregnant. Get enough sleep. Avoid exposure to any chemicals you don't need to be around, including smells or physical contact. Exercise regularly - you can usually do whatever you normally do, unless it is something that would be dangerous to your belly after the first trimester. There are lots of resources online for what is safe or not during pregnancy. You can try for a pretty good list. Make sure you take time to be with your husband, and enjoy your time as much as you can. Don't sweat the small stuff. Remember most if it is pretty small. Read up on pregnancy and birth so you can make some informed choices about what you want to do. Good luck.

Govt. wants us to use green lightbulbs (to conserve energy), yet they have to be?

Incandescent bulbs contain less mercury, but they use more energy, which creates power plant waste. Because of that they actually produce ~5x more mercury in the long run (5.8mg compared to 1.2 mg). Still, bulbs should not have mercury in them. LED lights are a better alternative than CFLs and incandescents environmentally because they are even more efficient and don't contain mercury. The only problem is the expense, but that should come down in the coming years.

Does anyone think that the family of a gf or bf has a direct impact on your relationship?

I have my issues but I get angry every time I'm around her brothers and mother..... The mom is rather large and lazy and both of her boys have autism.... I'm not making fun of them but idk. Also theu live in filth with 14 cats.... Does anyone have any ideas. My gf treats me like a king she does anything for me why do I feel angry a lot of the time?

How do i apply for a job at airport security in perth domestic airport?

i would like to get a job in perth domestic airport with airport security like the scan your bag for hazardous materials job while i am at uni, but i don't know who to speak to or how to apply for a job there... anyone know how?

What does a reading of 18 mean on a radiation sensor?

Without knowing what units of measurement are used no one can help you. Need to know radiation reading of 18 what.

Parents, I need your brilliant ideas?

two year olds like anything, and it doesn't have to be toys. seriously, my two year old is happy for hours with a cardboard box and shoelace, and he isn't autistic. maybe have 'outside time' first, do bubbles, or sidewalk chalk for a while, then go inside and do some artwork, crayons or something, then do a movie. you don't have to have the TV going all day, but the little ones will likely nap, so a movie will keep them all in one place and still so you can get some work done.

The doctor's clinic is closed on weekends?

Well, pretty much I wanted to go to the doctor's place to be prescribed some anti-anexity drugs for fight I am going on next Monday. But I have just been informed that the doctor's place is closed Sat+Sun which is... annoying to say the least. I was wondering if there are any other drugs which i can get over-the-counter from a pharmacist which do the same thing. Or if there are any other ways of being prescribed these partucular kinds of tablets, thanks.

A transmissible disease is least likely to be caused by a?

I Misread the question , my apologies missed the LEAST part haha , yes i agree B would probably be the best answer

I really need some advice?

My one year old Miniature Jack Russell barks whenever he sees another dog.I've had him for about 3 weeks now.When I take him for a walk,if he sees another dog he starts barking rally loudly and pulling on the lead and ends up choking himself and he doesn't stop.It is getting really annoying.What can I do to stop him doing this?Should I like get an anti-bark collar or something like that?Or should I take him to a dog trainer?Or what should I do?Thanks in advance.Please no nasty comments.

Gender Studies: Considering how 'some' anti-feminists?

We men already rule the world, we ARE superior than women (read the Bible or else you go to hell) -.-, thanks of us men, women still lives. By the way, you're a man, you need to be happy you're not a woman, the weak and useless gender. XD

Do The Bible Codes mean anything?

Similar codes have been found in Moby Dick. Any sufficiently wordy document will have some letter combinations that make words.

I have mild dandruff please help!!!!!!!!?

i have mild dandruff im not sure if its dandruff but i have white flakes ONLY in the front side of my scalp (nearest to my face) so probably its when i wash my face in the morning the soap accumilates in that area? :/ so is it dandruff? i dont have it anywhere else in my scalp..i used anti-dandruff shampoo once today. how often am i to use to till its completely gone? and do u think vaseline would help? :D since its basically "dryness"

True or False: You suffer from any one of the conditions from the following list?

They thought I had conduct disorder when I was younger but really I was stressed and this was causing me to f*** up my life. I'm fine now well I'm disabled my hair and nails are really short and my knees and hips can't take my weight. This isn't on your list but it meana I wear a wig and use a rollator or wheelchair.

How do I dispose of hazardous medical waste?

I am cleaning out a friend's house after her death. She had MRSA (flesh eating staph infection) in her bloodstream in 2007. She was on an insulin pump that administered 24 hour IV antibiotics for three months to treat her infection. Now what? I have looked online and only found a list of flush able prescription drugs...any ideas?

I'll be 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow and i've lost almost 17 pounds, is that normal?

The doctor put me on anti-nausea medicine when I was 6 weeks because I was feeling nauseous all day long. I take it every great once in awhile. But somedays I don't feel hungry for anything but I try to eat a couple times a day atleast.

Is aluminum powder considered a hazardous substance ?

hi my buddy is doing a science project for the science fair and it calls for aluminum powder, when we looked online for it the question was asked if we wanted standard or military grade. which led me to this question, is aluminum powder considered hazardous material? and is there any special handling required?

Where is the worst place in the world to be a woman?

America. No other country violates the God-assigned role of women as cooks and pleasure bringers to their husbands than this God forsaken nation. The nations you listed are the enlightened ones, heath my word if you don't give your wife a good beating she'll forsake you just like America is forsaking her father Jesus Christ by giving women rights.

A program that is running as antivirus on the computer but is not installed?

I have recently noticed when I was trying to upgrade my anti-virus software that there was something Lavasoft Live on there stating that this was installed. I have not installed software and when I go to look for it on my programs list, it can not be found so I did a file search and found it but the only option I had was to un-delete. I was wondering was this a virus or anything else that can be hazardous to my computer?

Where can I purchase shipping boxes for hazardous materials?

I work for a University that often ships chemicals for the faculty. We are looking for a place to buy 4G UV certified boxes, preferably in a multi-sized pack. Any ideas on where to look?

My dog just ate French crepes!!! Help! ?

My 7 month old chocolate lab got into 2 French crepes that consist of 3 eggs, 2 cups of all purpose flour and a teaspoon of sugar. He has puked a yellowish gooey throwup 14 times in the last 30 minutes. He's fine until his he starts to shake, cry go in a corner and upchuck. He's laying down right now and not even chewing his favorite bone! Please help me! Are any of those ingredients hazardous?

If I refuse treatment for DID, will it get worse? What might happen to me?

It has been determined that I have multiple personalities, We know of at least 5 personalities. The therapist wants to integrate my personalities. I fear that it will adversely change who I really am. If I refuse treatment will it get worse? I currently do not harm myself nor others around me. I know that I go places and do things that I have no memory and that my family and friends have encountered the other in my life. I currently refuse anti depressants and other types of drugs. My life is pretty chaotic and I never know from one day to the next what has happened or what I have done

With the long history of the US using chemical warfare against civilians why should I not believe this?

Wow. Really? You take the word of "experts" living in a cave who happen to be anti-American in the first place? Way to go Mr. Sheep. Bah-ah-ah-ah!!!

Autism Games/Activities that are good for a eight year old autistic boy.?

I'm currently working with an eight year old boy who was diagnosed with autism two years ago. Although I love working with him I'm constantly trying to come up with new activities, whether its reading neat books together, artwork, lego or cool games that are more activity orientated ones. So my question what activities or resources could i be pointed towards to further our interactions together and make them more fun:) Thank you:)

Do police officers still use a pair of pink handcuffs when arresting people?

My uncle, who use to be with the anti- gang unit, said they would to slap a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs on gang members, especially the macho gang leaders, when they are arrested and perp walked to the squad car.

Could my strange middle aged relative have Autism?

She says she has always believed in fairies, she laughs hysterically at childrens' jokes that are no funnier than knock knock jokes and says everyone else has no sense of humour when they dont laugh. She is a bit like a witch, who thinks she is right all the time, and other people are inferior. She is slow minded. She is always frowning.

Can I use something other than turpentine?

I just started using oil paint recently and I love it! I use turpentine for my brushes and to thin the paint sometimes. The stuff is toxic though! Is there something else I could use for this medium that would be less hazardous?

Why do people ask if I am autistic?

Because these days anyone who is even remotely "different" is labeled Autistic. One "study" claims that 1 in every 20 boys has Autism! This is getting ridiculous!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Will i overdose if i take 300 mg anti depresent pills, just curious?

i am on anti depresents, and i just would like to know how much it would take to OD so i know i wont...

Why are people so cruel?

There's this boy at my school who has, down syndrome or autism. Anyway he really gets into school and likes to talk and when he talks he stutters, and everyone laughs at him and makes fun of him..Sadly I've seen teachers even laugh at him. The kid is really nice and very smart. I seem to be like the only one who doesn't make fun of him and is nice towards him. You think people would be really nice, it's the total opposite. It makes me feel so sad the way people treat him. Why are people so darn cruel?

How can I prepare myself to be a companion to a girl with severe autism?

Find out if she likes to be touched. If OK, a hug might help. Temple Grandin did not like to be touched, but built a "squeeze machine" which seemed much like a hug under *her* control and showed that it helped even 'normal' people to relax.

Help!!! Autistic out of control brother, what should i do?

My Brother who has autism is freaking out cuz he cant use my computer, he just got in control right now, what should i do if it happens again

Does anyone else's child suffer from all or most of these things?

eosinophilic esophagitis, asthma, reflux, ADHD, sensory Integration disorder, and possibly Autism (we're waiting for an official diagnosis) He also had obstructive sleep apnea as a baby. The reason I'd like to know is I wonder if this is all interrelated some how! Thanks!

My landlord plans on installing a dry well using a hazardous container. How do I get her to stop?

It is an empty container of propylene gylcol. I am concerned having it in the basement until it is installed as the MSDS says it poses a fire risk. I am also extremely concerned with having this buried in the front yard, since I have well water.

Repressing Homosexuality plus my Aspergers?

I am in trouble here. I am an 18 year old with high functioning autism. I wanna say my sexual life is lame. I am a virgin, had two girlfriends and nothing worked with those two. I had a crush on this boy at age 14. He was a junior in high school in 2007. We have known each other for 4 years and I STILL find him sexy and attractive. We dated 4 months ago But I left him telling him I wasn't ready for him. he understood and we are still friends. But I lost my thing for women. for 9 months I have been masturbating while thinking about guys and I can't get this guy out of my mind. I mean im 18 and hes 21 so in college I will always be thinking about him and will be unable to form a relationship with women in college. I think my aspergers is deceiving me. I mean aspergers prevents me from making relationships with others. So this whole gay thing might be involved with it. I have been gay for 12 years really. I kissed a boy when I was 6, I love what I see in gay porn, I fooled around with my 10 year old friend when I was 11. STRAIGHT PEOPLE DON'T DO THIS!!! I feel like crap. Women are these delicate beautiful creatures and I lost it for them. Instead I got men in my head. I hate my autism I really do =(

Does faith mean not wanting to know what is true?

Friedrich Neitzsche makes an interesting and convincing point of this in his book 'The Anti-Christ,' but I'm interested in other opinions as well for the sport of it.

Can I obtain possesion of this car through my divorce?

Consult an attorney. I don't feel that I'm the right person to answer this. Good luck and hope it works out for you.

9 year old son with bad habit?

It is not a habit, he needs to do it. It is probably not his fault because if you smack him, he wouldn't want to be smacked again. You should take him to the doctor to check his respiratory system. You should be gentle to your kid, and autism has nothing to do with his grades because if he wants, he can pay attention and learn, so he might have that problem(I hope not!) If you take him tot the doctor, and he still does that, get ketchup and say it is hot sauce. It will not hurt the kid because it is not hot sauce. Put a little bit on your finger every time he does that and say you will put it on his mouth, BUT DO NOT USE ACTUAL HOT SAUCE! Hope I help!

Can anyone tell me if there are any benefits to Autism and Asperger's syndromes?

I have been a little depressed lately after noticing that I am not good at much of anything and kinda suck at many sports, have a slow reaction time, etc. Can anyone tell me where to look for something I may be talented at or that may be an advantage.

After wisdom tooth extraction,feeling tired and horable along wit meny other symptoms?

If you won't let your doctor do blood tests, why do you think you are going to get an answer on line, when no one can see you or check out your symptoms? You may well be feeling terrible. Your doctor is the best placed person to help you, both to reduce the pain from your tooth and your other symptoms. Let your doctor know how scared you are of having blood taken and ask them to take it easy, let you lie down, or whatever. no matter how you feel about that - you need to get it done.

Is it true that people associated with the military hate autistics?

Your weird fantasies about reorganizing the military and your gross misapprehension of comparative military power might have something to do with it. And the "girl crazy" thing. We are professionals and expected not to go crazy around our female colleagues.

How do I tell my mom that I don't want to talk to her very often anymore?

My parents are in deep denial over my son's special needs (low functioning autism, non-verbal and mental retardation) EVERY time they see him (thankfully isn't often for the live in another state) the conversation consists of "well....THAT looks normal!" (he can be watching a tv show, he is a person after all!!) There is a lot more to it but I am to the point (and with the advice of a therapist) to cut their involvement out of my life to a minimum. I don't know how to tell my mom "I wont be calling you every day, probably only once a week because that is all I can handle of you" She WILL ask. How do I tell her that it is her attitude towards my son and her denial that led to this?

Asperger's Syndrome or just different?

My suggestion is to contact one of the autism groups nearby (Aspeger's is a mild form of autism). They can guide you about getting tested, treatment, etc. They tend to be pretty proactive and should be helpful no matter how it turns out. In my lowly opinion, it does sound like a likelihood. And, for your information, people with autism, especially Aspeger's, tend to be above average in intelligence. Thought I would give you a positive to consider.)

Do these words make sentence in these sentences, EXTREMELY EASY POINTS!!?

the words make sense as long as you know what they mean. it sounds like you just used a thesauraus (i do it too), but be sure to use words that the reader will understand!

My 22 month old son screams out loud for no reason either he is too happy or too sad.?

U havent signalled any signs if autism other than his memory an intelligence! Your child is most likely a genius and could be screaming as a result of boredom - many intelligent children need constant brain stimulation to ensure they dont get bored! Encourage his intelligence, he can go on to do brilliant things

Should The Republicans and Conservatives Court to Minorities for Votes?

I mean knowing that in the year 2050 white Americans will be the minority while the majority will be Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, and immigrants Legal and Illegal with the majority being Hispanic overwhelmingly. I mean the Republican party really sucks with minorites, Mcain got obliterated by Obama in the 2008 election because of the Hispanic vote in states that are normally red like Florida,North Carolina, Virginia?? Nevada, and Colorado. Even with this, Republicans still keep bashing immigrants which is going to come up and bite them in the a-s-s!!!! for example the governor of Arizona who passes anti-immigrant laws, and Romney saying "they should go back to wherever they came from" this only fuels the Democrats. Even George Bush said the same thing in his last press conference before he left office, he said that one thing he would change about his party their stance on immigrants and courting of minorities because minorities do not want to vote Republican because of ridicoulous rants from Republicans "Republicans donot like immigrants, so they must not like me either" W. said it himself!!!! Whats going on here???? Come on Republicans you guys are going to ceaze to exist by the year 2050 if you guys dont change your policies. What do you guys think

My sister in law's bullying of my brother is making me physically sick?

Wow the sister in law is a beothch. Um tell your bro what you think and mb he will file for divorce?

Why do girls choose other guys over me?

the 2 female friends I have now have boyfriends, I'm 22 and never had a girlfriend before or any guy or female friends to hang with, I mainly have hard time socializing do to my piece of **** autism, and now last year i finally gain 2 female friends and try being cool and going out with them, then suddenly one has a bf but first didn't want me to know because she feels I would get upset about it, now my other female friend i really care about now says on her facebook that she's in a relationship with some ****** looking douchebag, I try to be the greatest friend i could be but yet I end up with nothing, why can't girls like me?

Intra-uterine blood transfusion for HDN? Will it hurt the baby?

Ok, so anti-E is a b9lood thing that develops in about 10% of white women after an intial pregnancy (meaning that you won't have it the first time around) but some 80% of men have anti-E. Apparantly, the doctors found the Anti-E in my blood, and did an amniotic panel (drew amniotic fluid from me to test it) and cam to the conclusion that the baby has a high risk factor for HDN (Hemolytic Disease of a newborn) and that it can destroy the baby's red blood cells. They want to give an intra-uterine blood transfusion to my baby, to stop/mend any damage done thus far. He will need another transfusion right after he is born. if it works, he should have few to no complications, if it isn't treated, it could kill him, but intrauterine transfusions are risky and can cause preterm labor. Plus, I think it might hurt him, being stuck with a needle while having his blood pulled out and new blood put in. has anyone had it done?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What should I name my characters? Please help!?

I, for one, am desperate to read the rest of the story! Really! Is it going to be a short story or a novel? Can I read it when it's finished? I have to know what happens to Ben & Eden. Luke and Mason are both great names for the guy. You've got a real flair. Very believable. Is this autobiographical? ~ ~ ~

Good anti bioatic ointment?

Most antibiotic ointments contain similar ingredients. Any over-the-counter "triple antibiotic ointment" is great. It contains 3 different types of antibiotics to cover lots of different infections. No need to spend twice as much on a name brand "Neosporin", when the generic contains exactly the same meds.

I'm in need of help(horrible life)?

First of all, calm down. You, and only you, have power to change your life for the better. Trust me I know. I felt like that around the beginning of this year, but I started ignoring the little annoying things that drive me crazy and started focusing on the little things that I love like the sound of a train in the distance, or the sun on my face, or talking to my friends. If someone is bothering you then just take a deep breath and remember something you love. It really does help and eventually you'll find yourself only looking at the good things and not caring about those little annoying things.

If I Don't Believe In God...?

If I don't believe in God would I still go to hell (if there is one)? I'm not anti-christian or anything and I don't believe in a 'devil'. I'm just trying to get behind most ways of life and religions and learn about them, I incorporate beliefs from all religions into daily lives. I try to be taoist and let things flow, I try to be buddhist and experience great peace and seek a middle way and nirvana, and also christianity where I believe in my guardian spirit. I used to be an extreme atheist but now I can't say God is not real and I really don't know enough about Christianity and the bible to say anything about God or Jesus not being true. My 'guardian spirit (god)' keeps me in order with daily life. I try to talk to it as much as possible and thank it. Would God be proud of me for trying to harder to experience kindness or even for realizing his way of life can't be all bad? If I don't believe in him completely and share his wholeness with other great beliefs would he still make me go to hell or would he gladly welcome me to heaven, or if there is none, let me die peacefully and let me be remembered? Is this what God wanted, for people to realize that all ways of life can be good even if it means not completely believing in hi?. Don't think of this as an offending question christians and don't try to prove me anything (please!) just tell me what you think.

How can my ex husband and I deal with our teenage daughter's rebellious behavior?

My ex husband and i have been divorce for 2 years we ave 2 wonderful kids a 13 year old son with autism and a 15 year old daughter. These past two years have been hell for me and my ex we both have joint custody and right now my daugther is currently in therapy. My daughter has started dated this boy he's a senior in high school i think hes a bad influence on her my ex and i forbid her from seeing him but that didn't work. She has gotten really rebellious her behavior change after her best friend died in a car accident they were really close like sisters. She started drinking, partying and failing school i caught her drinking a bottle of wine i grounded her for a month but that didn't work out so i let her live with her father for awhile. One day she unexpectedly came to my house sobbing telling me her father touched her my ex denies it he was arrested and charged with child abuse i overheard talking to her friends joking and lauging on how she lied to me about how her dad touched her and that i was so stupid!!!! I git mad and got er to admit what she did she told me the truth she apologized to her father and the charges was dropped but that wasn't enough she caused so much heartache in this family its not even funny. I am so burnt out right now i don't know what to do with her i have failed as a mother i provide so much for my kids i love them very much i will do anythhing for them between her behavior and my son's autism my ex and i are out of options i know what she is going through been there done that but what can my ex and i do as her parents to snapped her out of it?

Should my family apologize to my cousin for cutting her off and thinking she was schizophrenic?

Yes! Your family should say something like, "we are sorry we left you in your time of need. We were afraid which doesnt exclude how we treated you in anyway. " acting "fake" will never mend a broken relationship. Talking amongst yourself about how you and her felt or with a counselor could help you all bunches.

What can I expect in getting autism/asperger's diagnosed?

What to expect? I wouldn't expect your life to change or anything. It's not like you get a diagnosis and it's like flipping a switch or anything. If you're autistic or have Aspergers then you've had it all along.

I've become very suicidal I don't know what to do anymore?

My family ignore my problem, I've lost hope, I stay in bed all day long and can't even get up to look for a job or go outside when the weather looks nice. I feel sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again and nothing changes, I want change, most of all I'm sick of meeting men who only want to have sex, I've never met anyone who wants a relationship it feels like it's always the same. I don't see a purpose to my life anymore, I don't know what this life is for, I have really bad siblings that are bitter and jealous, I have good parents but they are old when they die I'm going to have nothing. I'm scared, I've been thinking of different ways to kill myself, sometimes I don't feel guilty about it I just feel like it's a solution to a problem I've had for about 3yrs. I wake up in pain and low mood a lot and have a lot more anxiety than the low mood, I'm also bi-sexual and have to play straight just to have a family, they are really anti-gay, (I prefer men unfortunately) I don't have a bad diet or drink a lot of alcohol. I don't think i'm strong enough anymore to cope, what else should I do, is there another way I can put an end to this?

Teen gift for a tech savvy brother.?

Hello I'm looking for a gift for my brother who is very into technology, He has shown interest in learning to code, His headset for his laptop has been bothering him and he complains that he has no anti virus. He also has a Playstation 3. Anyone have any Ideas on what to get him? (He likes video games like InFAMOUS and Mercenaries 2) Please help.

Is this dangerous/hazardous?

A pool was just built and completed in my backyard. It's completely done and you can swim in it. However, the electrician still has not come for the lights OUTSIDE of the pool. It's a fancy pool and there is going to be a light practially on the edge of the pool. There is an electrical wire that is going to hook up to the light but there is no light there yet. At times, the wire comes awfully close to the pool, sometimes touching it. I assume there is no electricity hooked up to it, but I don't know. Could this be hazardous?

Asteroid YU55 to pass Earth in November?

This is a sensationalized account which is much more accurately reported in the link below. The statement "YU55 orbits the sun every 14 years and last passed the earth in April 2010 at a distance of 1.5 million years." gives you a measure of the inaccuracy of this newspaper account. Distances are not measured in years. On that date, this asteroid was 2,205,000 km. from Earth.

How can my ex husband and I deal with our teenage daughter's rebellious behavior?

My ex husband and i have been divorce for 2 years we have 2 wonderful kids a 13 year old son with autism and a 15 year old daughter. These past two years have been hell for me and my ex we both have joint custody and right now my daugther is currently in therapy. My daughter has started dated this boy he's a senior in high school i think hes a bad influence on her my ex and i forbid her from seeing him but that didn't work. She has gotten really rebellious her behavior change after her best friend died in a car accident they were really close like sisters. She started drinking, partying and failing school i caught her drinking a bottle of wine i grounded her for a month but that didn't work out so i let her live with her father for awhile. One day she unexpectedly came to my house sobbing telling me her father touched her my ex denies it he was arrested and charged with child abuse i overheard talking to her friends joking and lauging on how she lied to me about how her dad touched her and she called me a stupid *****!!!! I got mad and got her to admit what she did she told me the truth she apologized to her father and the charges was dropped but that wasn't enough she caused so much heartache in this family its not even funny. I am so burnt out right now i don't know what to do with her i have failed as a mother i provide so much for my kids i love them very much i will do anythhing for them between her behavior and my son's autism my ex and i are out of options i know what she is going through been there done that but what can my ex and i do as her parents to snapped her out of it

Bleaching my hair white from red?

I recently had to dye my dark brown hair a level 5 vibrant ginger color about two to three weeks ago for modeling. Now that I'm done modeling until september I want to go blonde-white for awhile. I'm not considering doing this at home, I want to get it done at a salon but do you think it's even possible to get bleach white hair even if the hair still has dye in it? And I know it's hazardous to my hair, but I only dyed my hair twice in my life. Do you think it's possible?

My 9 week old kitten losing weight?

for the past week my kitten hasnt been well at all i had ran out of kitten food and had to jump to shop quickly and the y only had adult cat food, i hac put a little in her bowl just to give me time to get to a bigge rshop for kitten food. and ever since shes been sick alot and now she wont touch her food atr all and she has been very anti social which isnt like her at all. help me!

Am I doomed by the gun?

So I just got my cartilage pierced, with a gun. I went to piercing pagoda and I honestly didn't know they pierced with a gun, don't call me stupid or anything,I really didn't know and I was planning on doing it with a needle. The girl who worked there said that she got hers done with a gun and they looked perfectly normal. I did explain to her about the complications guns can cause and she just looked at me like I was stupid, she reassured me and I gave in. I bought 14k gold earrings, not cheap ones. I've been getting mixed messages from people if getting them pierced with a gun is really as hazardous. I am wondering will I be ok? I don't want a collapsed cartilage or shattered or whatever else people have said out there. If I clean four times a day, don't sleep on that side, don't touch it, will it heal fine? Another thing is how long would it take for a collapsed or shattered cartilage to occur? Right away or months later? And I really would like professionals or people who have had their cartilage pierced with a gun. From now on, I am getting them pierced with a needle.

Allergic reaction to band aid?

I've got several spots of ringworm, and also an allergic reaction-type skin condition. I have to use band aids at night because of the reaction (I'll itch the ringworm and spread it). Last night, I put a band aid brand tough strip on the spot on my wrist. I had been putting one on at night, then putting a new one on in the morning. I took of my band aid today, and there were approximately 15-17 tiny circular spots with clear fluid where my band aid had been. I cleaned them with a wet cloth, and put some of my anti-fungal cream on them since I wasn't sure if they were ringworm. It burned to put the cream on the new spots (it didn't sting at all on the ringworm). Now, the small areas have golden colored scabs on them. Common sense tells me to leave the scabs alone, but I'm not sure if this is an allergy to the band aids or the adhesive, since I've never had an allergic reaction to either one before. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't have insurance, so I'm trying to avoid the doctor if someone else has experienced the same thing.

Are there any hard core HAZMAT units in the military?

I know there is NBCR in the Corps and boarding teams in the Navy, but are there any that legitimately focus solely on hazardous materials and...zombies?

Old Carpet on Stairs - Loose and "slick" ?

I know that carpet is usually the safe option for stairs, however... the carpet on our house is really old - about 11 years now, and is what I would guess to be builder's grade carpet? It gets pushed down to where the threads lay flat, and when that happens the carpet gets "slick". It doesn't help that the carpet is loose on the stairs too. I was considering getting the carpet professionally cleaned and stretched, but to be honest, I have no idea how much that would run me, or even if it is worth the money. I have some money saved up that I was hoping to spend to put hardwood in my living area and dining room, but these stair conditions are hazardous! Anyone know a sure solution to this issue or should I just look into getting the carpet for the stairs and upstairs replaced? Any recommendations for a good carpet for the stairs and upstairs? Preferably one that doesn't need to be vacuumed every time someone steps on it to keep it looking good.

Help!! Home schooling !?!?!?

Homeschooling is good , as long as you have a really good teacher to help you .. You'll still have your friends so that's good ..

A colleague has had a s****l assault charge brought against him. Will it amount to anything?

Tell your buddy to relax, put his feet up, and have his first beer. Little Miss Sociopath's charge is gonna amount to butter. This isn't 1980... people are wise to little girls pulling this kind of crap now.

Why is my borough SUDDENLY is forcing me to pay for sidewalk repair in front of my house?

The sidewalk was not as damaged years ago as it is now. The laws that govern such issues are known as public safety. Your side walk is that of public domain. The rights of the borough is that you only deed the land where your house is located. The actual land is the USA and then the State and then the city or borough. They only allow you to live there.

Should a Real Christian avoid the R&S section?

No, because I like to live dangerously. Anyway, where would the fun be in trying to live in splendid isolation, out of touch with reality and refusing to engage with people out there? And if Christians avoided the R&S section, that would only make the atheists think they'd won! No way! Let battle commence.....

Politics: What is your best argument for the death sentence?

I used to be pro-death- but after understanding how it costs more to put someone to death I'm leaning more towards anti-death...

How do I defend myself against a full grown Mountain Lion...?

You can not protect yourself from a mountain lion unless you see the lion coming before it attacks you and you have a gun and can get it out faster than the lion can pounce on you and tear you apart. Rattlesnakes strike, you may not even notice the snake is near you. The only way to protect yourself from the forces nature is to not put yourself in harms way. Please be careful

Does a transformer of 11kv is hazardous to human health?

we have a transformer of 11kv very near to our home...recently i have been facing some serious health problems...i seriously doubt the role of EMF ....plz send your valuable answers..

Breach of lease agreement?

my "slum lord" refused to fix anything in our house. there were 4 broken windows that were there when we moved in, (that he said he would fix), my dryer vent was made of cardboard, there was an ant nest in the bathroom wall and the sheet rock around it was rotting, not to mention there was a friggin gas leak. with the gas leak, i called the gas company and they put a warning sticker on the stove saying that it needed to be replaced because it was extremely hazardous. if fixed, it must be done by an appliance mechanic. well, the idiots took it upon themselves to try and tinker with it. they made it worse.. not only was it leaking gas, but it was putting off carbon monoxide. i had the gas company out to my house in 20 minutes to inspect it. i asked him if he would talk to the idiots i was renting to house from, and of course he said, "sure". he told them that if they continued to try and fix it themselves, they would be fined and they would shut my gas off. THEY STILL DIDNT LISTEN!!! we ended up moving out because we feared for our safety and the well being of our 9 month old daughter. they told me that i breached the lease by moving. ok, technically, didnt they break it by refusing to fix anything and putting us in danger? please, i really need help!

Question 4 parents of children w/ autism, who have put them on meds 4 hyperactivity.....?

My daughter is 4, recently diagnosed with Autism. Her father and I are going to be putting her on meds to control her hyperactivity. Her Dr is in aggreement with us that we should try it. I have taken care of her since birth, Im a very strong woman, and my husband and I do reinforce time-outs and other methods for bad behavior. But as i told her Dr, Im to the point where I cant even control her anymore, at home, at the store, etc. Shes the same with my husband. So my question is, what have u tried? What were good/bad about the drugs? What kind of side effects? Any information on what YOU have tried, or been thru with meds for Autism would be great! Im NOT looking for people who want to leave comments about NOT drugging kids! You dont know OUR situation! Thank You!!

How do I know whether I am being tested for Autism or Aspergers?

The testing process in the same, I believe. The biggest difference between high-functioning autism and Asperger's is speech development. You'll do the evaluation and the person evaluating you will use that information to determine if and where you fall on the spectrum. At your assessment, it wouldn't hurt to ask how they distinguish autism from Asperger's.

I have a Computer Bug! When I web surf on yahoo or google and click on a sit i get redirected to another site!?

Also my anti-virus software gives me a warning that it is trying to block an IP address. I've run countless virus and anti-maleware software but won't find the problem. Any advice?

Green tea use symptoms?

I've been trying different teas recently but I've noticed that unlike Black tea, Green tea seems to act as an anti diuretic with me plus I seem to sweat more while taking Green tea, yet after switching to White tea for a few days I notice the opposite effect, I sweat less and wee more, has anyone else noticed this or knows why this would happen, the weather and my activity level have remained constant?

My mom says I'm autistic?

I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not. I was never tested or anything like that. (Though she made me really paranoid so I took that AQ test online and scored 14? The average is 16.4 and most autistic people scored over 32?) Anyway, I'm sure I have all kinds of mental issues (I am pretty sure I am either depressed or bipolar, I used to self-injure on a regular basis; the last time was a few months ago.) I am on the computer a LOT, I do obsess about some things like I love musicals and Broadway and a bunch of actresses. I don't have a lot of friends but I like social situations, but I also like going to the library. I just don't think my mom gets me. I find her very frustrating, and I'm sure she finds me frustrating too, but she also likes to stir up random drama and believes a lot of what she sees and hears. She was just watching something online about autism, and that's when she came into my room and was like, "You're autistic!" I'm already an emotional person I think and have a lot of insecurities which I don't really show but my mom makes them come out when she says things like that to me. She puts me down on a regular basis, judging me on my appearance, especially my weight (I'm overweight but I am not obese. I am 5'3" and around 165 pounds.) I have nystagmus, which I am not as insecure about as I was when I was younger, but once my mom makes me question myself it really upsets me. I do burst out at her a lot, but I feel like it's because she antagonizes me and nags me and I just can't take it. But I digress. I know that this isn't a lot of information about me, but how do I know if I am autistic? Is there another test I can take? Or am I overthinking this and my mom is just a *****?

Questions about Betta fish maintenance?

Ok, First of all, Return the pleco now because they grow to 18+ inches and need nothing under a 80 gallon. They betta will be fine in the tank with some shrimp or snails. With a filter, I would do 10% water changes and never 100% because it kills all of the bacteria. Do it every 2 weeks. Don't turn the filter off at night because It would mean more cleaning and there is no need to turt it off. I hope i helped.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do we devalue blue collar jobs?

People in the United States tend to look down on blue collar jobs despite the fact that they are necessary. For example if the county,state, city groundskeepers didn't mow the lawn and trim shrubbery the roads would be so overgrown no one would be able to use them. Also if their where no Custodians your place of work and your children's school would be so unsanitary it would be hazardous to your health to be in the buildings. Yet we continue to put people down who do these jobs. We also consider people who provide these services overpaid but think its fine that CEO's who don't provide a hell of alot to the general public deserve to make tens of millions. Why?

Can someone give me a easy to comprehend summary of this?

The site is hazardous because they have found material that fits the definitions of hazardous waste and the landfill does not meet the requirements for a hazardous waste landfill. This phrase is key, "The BDOTG facility has generated the following hazardous wastes: mineral spirits, brake shoes (containing asbestos), antifreeze (containing ethylene gylcol), oil, oil containing PCBs, battery acid, chlorinated solvents, paint, and pesticides."

Why are bicyclists required to ride their bikes on the road?

I know that it is hazardous for the pedestrians if the cyclists drive on the sidewalk, but wouldn't riding the bike on the road be hazardous to the cyclists? I mean, say that you're on a 25-40 MPH road, most likely you would not be able to ride at that pace(25-40 MPH). This would lead to severe traffic for the motorists and create on-road perils. I always witness cyclists getting ranted at by motorists by getting honked at or told to "get the f. uc.k on the road!". I heard that people ages 12+ are required to ride their bikes on the road. WTH? It is very unsafe for children ages 13-15 to ride on the road, they are just kids. Making turn signals with your hands and having to watch your back constantly would also be such a hassle. Last but not least, accidents from cyclists riding their bikes on the sidewalk is not that common, at least I haven't heard of one accident involving a cyclist riding on the sidewalk. BTW, I live in NJ so the laws in your country may differ.

Is a cup coffee everyday safe?

I just got a multivitamin: One A Day: For Active Women and says that it contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Since I'm taking this every, is this hazardous for my health?

Is the Anti Static Wristband necessary?

No. Just ground yourself just in case before opening the case (put your fingers to the golden looking things in powerplugs etc.).

Family history of Schizoid Disorders and Autism. What are my chances of having a disorder as well?

Your odds are probably high, sorry. Many believe it can be prevented though. The going thoughts among the docs who are treating those with autism, is that it's from immune stress overload, and of course, some are more sensitive to this than others. Kind of like if you give a certain amount of poison to rats. Some will die, but not all. So, we say that the ones who lived were more healthier than the others, or had better immunity and genetics for various reasons. What I know is what is reversing autism symptoms, to include Bipolar, ADHD, OCD, and even more. It's accomplished by rebuilding the immune system by ridding toxins, pathogens, special diets, and nutrients. Much more is also done to reduce neuro-inflammation and increase circulation, etc. Some believe that those who are ill now, are just those who are "weaker" in some way, and that this problem will continue on it's alarmingly increasing rate. Some think those who are showing these chronic symptoms genetically can't rid toxins as well, or have issues with absorbing Vitamin D correctly or something else that makes them weaker. Many believe that their immune systems are skewed by vaccines or another immune stressor that makes them not fight off intracellular pathogens (lyme, Bartonella, mycoplasma, Epstein-Barr and other viruses, protozoa, etc.) See for some insight. And want to add that low homocysteine is correlated with high IQ as well as higher rates of autism. Homocysteine is used by the body to rid toxins. But, there is a lot to learn in this area. Each family has it's own unique reasons why they are more susceptible, but generally speaking, the big causes are toxins, pleomorphic and intracellular pathogens, and electrosmog. They all reportedly work together to cause the disease state. See also

Is working with drywall considered hazardous for child labor (14-15yrs)?

No it's not hazardous and the child labor laws are focused on hours of work. It could be illegal if you have to work a 40HR week where they ring bells for a break and you can't stop until then etc...........

Why do liberals want to tear down the USA just to remake it in their own nightmare image?

Gay marriage, anti-theism, unfettered abortion, redistribution of wealth. These are just some of the nightmares they are forcing on us. When will YOU stand up and fight these evils?

Is my baby growing too fast?

my son was born at 8 pounds 14 ounces, he only lost 3 ounces by the time he was discharged form the hospital. He is almost four months old and now weighs 19 pounds, he eats 6 oz of formula every 3 hours. Is this unhealthy or abnormal? is there anything that I should be concerned about? my pediatrition didnt tell me anything other than for a baby his size there is no problem feeding him that much as long as he keeps it all down... he is also very advanced development wise, he can sit up practically unsupported, roll over from his back to tummy and from tummy to back, he has amazing head control, he can reach for and grab at toys as well as grab his pacifier and he has the coordination to place objects in his mouth and pass from one hand to the other. he also is constantly "talking" and laughing, and playing games with us. And he also already has his two front bottom teeth in already. Someone told me that babies are not supposed to be that well developed for being that young, which makes me really worried. Someone else told me that those are all signs of autism... Should I be worried, or are these people just really un-educated (I'm a first time mother, so I have noooo clue what to believe and what not to!)

Why is it bad to be intelligent in the U.S.A?

It is not considered bad to be intelligent in the US, and if you think that those statistics are bad then you obviously can't read data. Having a 99% literacy rate and being 14th in the world for science and 18th in the world for math when there are 196 countries is nothing to scoff at.

US Army Cavalry Scout?

I swore in 2 days ago and my MOS is 19D (Cavalry Scout). A few questions. 1) Is there a Cavalry Scout Base in California? And, if possible, can you tell me where all Cavalry Scout bases are in the US. 2) How often do they ship out? Give an assumption if possible. And 3) When I do get shipped out, will I get hazardous pay?

How or who do i have to speak to to correct a hazardous problem at my work well right in my office?

I work at a little hotel and my office looks like a ice-cream parlor very small 10X10 if not smaller. The roof of my office has become a problem for a while now it has been repaired more the 5 times and it still leaks and black mold has been showing up almost every where. It has got to a point where I wanted to paint and requested to my manager if I could, he gave me the green. So i started painting then i removed a pin up bulletin board and saw a VERY moldy wall i reported to my boss he said paint over it, it took me an hour before i did anything cause i'm just one out of 4 employees that work in that office and i couldn't do such a thing it is wrong in so many ways. So i cleaned it up with mold n grout remover and then continue to paint but its been more then two months and mold still is growing. I have reported it to all the my bosses and managers and i only gpt back oh dear and we don't have the money and i have even have told them it is a very easy lawsuit. I even took pictures..... what should i do? i have thought of looking for another job but my partner and i have plans to take a vacation in September and not a lot of places will think its ok about me wanting taking time off so soon. i also worry about my health massive headaches and my eyes hurt the works of what mold can do to ones health...... please help!!!

Found a cockroach in my new apartment.?

We've been here about a month and until today had no suspicions that there were cockroaches. It was a big one.. like 2 inches big. Killed the damn thing though. Is it possible there is just one? I'm absolutely freaking out that the place could have more. It looked like an American Cockroach.. if that makes any difference. I'm afraid to use any sort of poisons.. sticky pads.. anything like that as I do have pets that get into everything and I do mean everything... Anything you guys can recommend to help me figure out if there's more and get rid of them that won't be hazardous to my pets?

Can a bipolar or schizophrenia person be verbal ? V2?

I MADE A MISTAKE IN THE LAST QUSTIN I DIDIN'T MEAN AUTISM: My friend is asking this he is 16 getting under a diagnoses and is really looking like he has bipoalr and or schizophrenia but many say he's to verbal talks clear about him self and whats wrong with him casue hes so alone he figured him self out and can speak him self really well i don't know much about Bipolar and or schizophrenia i can't find this online so i ask for someone's help!

How do you deter dogs from eating hazardous pecan nuts fallen from the tree?

I have 4 dogs & have a fruiting pecan nut tree in their backyard enclosure. Although well fed the youngest dog has discovered parts of the nut are edible & now another of my dogs is showing interest in these potentially dangerous thin shelled nuts. The pecan is like walnuts, with the nut found in hard fibrous chambers inside. The sharply edged shell fragments are indigestible & the sharp shell of the nut can cause intestinal damage to dogs. How can I stop them getting a taste 4 these nuts? Any tips (other than get rid of the tree)? It produces too many nuts over several months to keep raked up. They come down with the wind at random..

Please help asap!! i am not sure what the next move is?

I went swimming with my best guy friend who i like. he likes me and we talk a lot i am not sure what the next move i should do. (i have to be careful of what the next move is because he has autism and isnt very touchy so a kiss might be a bit much and his family could be around) please help i am not sure what to do. (i am 17)

I am 33 weeks pregnant and feel really poorly what should I do?

Ok, i woke up this morning to extreme cramping in my legs an hardly being able to walk as the muscles down the back of my whole body are so painful and have got so much worse through the day, also ive been developing a temperarure and a cold, Ive been in so much pain its drove me to tears but cant even get myself up to go doctors, and wondering if its even worth it as im already on anti biotics (which i didnt start taking till after i startes getting the syptoms) im on amoxacilin which is perscribed for internal piles (sorry if tmi) what should i do? will my baby be ok? not felt him move much today

Do feces and urine have to be disposed of as Hazardous material?

I am teaching in a school where we have handicapped students and have been told we do not have to have a separate waste can for diaper changes. I was under the impression we had to have a biohazard can to dispose of these separately. Can anyone answer this or how can I find out if this is law.

How to fix the unsecured avast?

I already uninstall my previous anti virus called avira, and replace it to a new latest version of avast when the installation is already done, it says UNSECURED YOUR SYSTEM IS NOT PROTECTED PLEASE USE THE FIX NOW BUTTON TO START PROTECTING YOUR SYSTEM. I tried clicking the fix now button many times but nothing happened! I went to my security center both of my firewall and authomatic updates are ON except the virus protection where it says NOT MONITORED. Can you help me and give me some steps on how to fix this? thanks...

Is this a phase? Why am I so sexually confused?

For a long while now, I've been more sexually attracted to men than anything else. However, I also like women, I've never had sex with one and I do find them attractive, but I'm rather anti-social and I haven't had a girlfriend at all, and the girls that I like don't like me. I've mainly been fantasizing about having sex with men and have begun again with women (I'm not as erected) though I'm only attracted to their physical body and barely emotional. Women are less attractive to me (in most porno anyway and I can't really get it up with just looking at them, though I feel like I want to be with them), but I do want to date them. I really want to be with both sexes, am I bisexual? I do remember fantasizing about having sex with women in middle school, I was amazed by sex itself.

Are Anti-fungals bad like antibiotics?

I know that antibiotics are bad as they kill good bacteria... do antifungals do the same thing?? Will they mess up my immune system , because i've been using an antifungal cream for like 2 years and im scared i might be doing something wrong ://// please help :/

Social anxiety and anti depressants?

so after a few visits with my new therapist he recommended that i talk to my doctor about procuring a prescription for anti depressants and social anxiety. i had been expecting the anti depressants but not the social anxiety..i have no idea what kind of medication is used to treat social anxiety and how it will help? can anyone provide details or a website that can?

Does electromagnetic radiation cause any problems?

The only way to adequately answer your question is with boring bunches of numbers relating to frequency, power levels and exposure criteria. there is not one specific guideline concerning electromagnetic radiation exposure. Rule of thumb is stay away from any transmitting antenna with an effective radiated power level of 50 watts or higher(this is for the communication spectrum) ELF or low frequency radiation requires a higher level of caution with a greater perimeter. The higher levels--microwave and higher are not as harmful but still need caution when standing in front of a transmitting source. As far as depletion rates this type of radiation has an almost instant decay rate. I hope this helps you a little

Why am I sooo SHY! ......?

Yo, not everyone can or is meant to be the center of attention. You are shy because you aren't used to too much interaction with people. Just try and introduce yourself to new people whenever possible. It helped me and I hope it helps you.

I am 8 weeks pregnant, and stopped taking my Celexa 40mg. I'm in hell, what do I do?

Should I start taking my Celexa again or no. I am 8 weeks pregnant, I have a 2 year old and 1 year old at home, so I can't continue living like this. I feel angry, depressed and really for no reason. I am scared to take anti-depressants due to the risk of birth defects while pregnant. Please help.

What would a simplified government look like?

What about the US Olympic teams? They are currently a non-profit and do not receive any government money. I think that the Olympics are a time for the world to come together in sports regardless of what is going on in the world. And plainly, I think the US needs to reassert itself as the world leader in athletics. I think it is important and not too expensive.

How long does it take deployment pay to kick in?

My husband left on the 30th of May for Afghanistan. We've already received one paycheck today and obviously we weren't expecting it to be any different than usual. I'm just wondering if that will change on the 15th? I know it will take 30days for FAMILY SEPERATION pay but just curious about the tax free/hazardous duty, etc. All of the necessary paperwork has been completed for finance by his chain of command. I will have him check his LES when I speak with him but for now I'm just trying to get an idea.

When a child doesn't talk, what is it that a speech therapist can do that a parent can't?

If a child's hearing is fine, no signs of any disorders such as mental retardation or autism what can the speech therapist can do that a parent can't? Is the parent not pronounciating words clearly enough for their child to repeat the words the parents want them to say? Not enough reading or one on one time playing together?

Hamster bedding help?

I really love carefresh paper based bedding, but now that I have Sonny, my new Syrian, I'm going to have to buy a lot more of it. Right not he's in a 10 gallon aquarium, but I feel it is much to small and need to upgrade it some how. Jojo, my other Syrian, is in a 20 gallon long, and that alone takes up a lot of bedding. Right now I used Carefresh natural. I suppose the colored ones are nice, but I never took an interest in them. I usually buy a 60 liter bag ( expanded) from my local pet stores for about $20, It lasts me at most 3-4 weeks. I know there are some alternatives, but I forgot what they were. Other bedding options I've heard of have been hazardous towards hamsters, so I would like to know what kind. Thanks guys :)

Is the cobalt in cobalt blue depression glass hazardous?

I have recently started collecting antique glassware. I have done research and found varying opinions about how hazardous Vaseline (uranium) glass is to humans. I can't, however, find any data on cobalt blue glass which is colored with the radioactive element Cobalt (Co). What are the geiger counter readings on cobalt depression glass? Are there hazards associated with cobalt blue depression glass?

What should I do to stop this from happening?

My name is emmett, im 15 years old with autism called pdd. Lately i've been autistic ally stressed and really not opening up a lot and i really want to change that.

I need a lot of help(really horrible life.)?

Not much can be done over the internet to help your "problem". You really don't have a problem at all, and it's as simple as that. Things may not be perfect in your life, but nobody has a perfect life, regardless of what you may think. I know some people who would wish they were you from what you've said. Millions of people are worse off than you, yet they continue on happily. Get over your over-active hormones and try thinking of them, and then you'll realize how lucky you really are.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What to eat for lunch today?

ok so i'm sick of everything i've been eating on my lunch break recently like pizzza bacon egg and cheese i dont want a sandwich and i dont want mcdonalds anymore the KFC by me is hazardous and....I DONT KNOW WHAT TO EAT but im so hungry suggestions!?!

My school want to have me tested for Autism or Asperger syndrome but my parents refuse?

Explain to them the problems that you are having and that if you do get an official diagnosis there will be more supports to help you deal with things and help you succeed. It doesn't mean being labelled, it will benefit you.

Being pregnant again?

After an abortion it is normal for you to miss period for a while as your body gets used to not being pregnant anymore. And what abortion doc did you go to lol? They tell you if you take a prego test and a certian amount of time hasn't passed then you will get a positive result even if you are not prego. I also agree with the other answer. They give you free samples of birth control at the abortion clinics or atleast they're supposed to, even if you just take those it will prevent it for a month or two.

Should I approach my sister-in-law about her son?

My nephew is three years old and does not talk other than the words daddy, car and baby. He throws fits when he can't get his point across. He does do sign language at times but usually gets frustrated with that too. A few people, one a nurse and another a speech therapist told me they think he may be autistic. And I was told by my mother-in-law that she thinks he should be checked out. I researched autism and speech development in general just to make sure that they weren't just being dramatic and I sadly found they did have reason to be alarmed. My sister-in-law and I are very close and when I asked her about him being a late talker when he turned two, she said she would take him to see someone if he's not talking by five. Being a gradeshool teacher, I know well that children should be talking by then. So my question is, is it normal for a three year to not be talking and if not how should I approach her about it. I know no one else will. And I know if my mother-in-law talks to her, she will assume she is calling her a bad mother. I really just want to help.

How do I start food vending on the street?

I live in Milwaukee, WI and there are a lot of street vendors selling random items like hotdogs, cotton candy, roses ect... I was wondering how I could go about doing this as I would sell breakfast foods and hamburgers and such throughout the day in various locations. I would also like to sell beverages and chips. I would also be dealing with eggs, raw meats, and vegetables which are considered "potentially hazardous foods" What legal forms would i need to fill out? What types of licenses would I need? Seeing how i would be consistently moving locations that suite the needs of traffic flow and the target market, how would I go about getting it inspected by Health Dept? Am i legally allow to sell water without any type of license? <--- Say i was only selling water after concerts, would i need a sellers permit/peddlers license for just selling exclusively bottled water? Where am I legally allow to sell food? (sidewalks, public parks? or outside of events?) Any help would be great as I am young with interest in starting my own business with little to no idea. Thanks all!

Is this affecting my health?

So basically the microwave is next to a wall in my house and on the other side of the wall is where i spend most of my time, since the microwave is in use most of the time could the waves be affecting my health, can they go through walls and if not are they hazardous in general?

19 years old, almost 20, terrified of sleeping alone?

Oh man that's sucks! I have terrible night anxiety as well, I am afraid of the dark and thankfully I have a boyfriend I live with, but he works 3 nights out of the week for graveyard and it's terrible having to sleep alone. Since medication doesn't seem to be the answer you are looking for you need help from a doctor. There are no remedies you can learn from us, it's a physiological thing that you need to get worked out. I wish you luck and hope you are soon anxiety free.

Is this dangerous/hazardous?

A pool was just built and completed in my backyard. It's completely done and you can swim in it. However, the electrician still has not come for the lights OUTSIDE of the pool. It's a fancy pool and there is going to be a light practially on the edge of the pool. There is an electrical wire that is going to hook up to the light but there is no light there yet. At times, the wire comes awfully close to the pool, sometimes touching it. I assume there is no electricity hooked up to it, but I don't know. Could this be hazardous?

Anti virus and malwarebytes?

the 1st answerer is correct, malwarebytes is an antimalware product and yes, it works well with superantispyware. I have norton antivirus , malwarebytes and superantispyware but not running on real time. i use them as on demand scanner. I scan with them about every 3 days or so. Together with my firewall (online armor) and threatfire, norton antivirus makes up my real time security program setup

How would you react if your child did this to you? / have any ways that might help calm down my son?

This is a difficult question to answer. Of course if my son told me these things I would be hurt and it's okay to feel that way. It's really difficult to raise a child with these different diseases and disorders. I don't know if you are interested in this information but it sounds like a lot of these things, adhd, depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, and anxiety could be from having the autism. A lot of children with autism get these diseases/disorders. And of course the trauma probably plays a large part as well. Has he been to a psychiatrist and been on any medication? I don't want to really suggest that he should take medication but I have heard of a study with aripiprazole where it is coupled with an antidepressant to treat mild autism. This may be somethings you want to speak about with you child's doctor or a psychiatrist. The main thing to do is be patient and try to understand that what he is saying is because he is frustrated. Keep telling him you love him. When he says he hates you or "go kill yourself" tell him that you love him. Some kids with autism don't like to be touched and so they will spin or rock back and forth to comfort themselves. A book that may help you is "Dibs in Search of Self." I have not read it but it has been recommended to me. It's about an autistic child. I have been told it has some therapeutic techniques that are good for children with autism. Just keep telling him and showing him how much you love him. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs after physiological needs and safety comes the need of love. I hope you find something that works.

What is wrong with me? Please help.?

Unfortunately your GP is not trained to diagnose mental illness or disorders. He isn't knowledgeable about the many medications that are out there. It takes a psychiatrist to diagnose and treat. You can go to the site which is the site for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and on their site you can fine an 800 number. You can find the chapter that is in your area. They are there for information, support, and they have the best references for the help that you may need. You need a diagnosis before any treatment.

Are the majority of people against abortion also against the death penalty?

My guess on this matter is based on the whole idea of "Sanctity of life" that most anti-abortionist uphold.

Is my wiring safe? Flashing overhead light?

In one room of our apartment, the outlet does not work when the overhead light is on. When the overhead light is switched off, the outlet works. But when you plug something powerful in, for example, a laptop, the overhead light flashes. What could be the issue here? Does it sound hazardous?

Am I weird for wanting to continue this relationship after learning he has a unique form of autism? ?

This guy I'm falling for has hinted that he was diagnosed with Autism. I don't really see anything wrong with him other than he is a genus but I have only been talking to him for about a month. He must have a very unique high functioning form of autism. Anyone know what I can expect and am I completely weird for still wanting to pursue this relationship? By the way we are both adults here

Does anyone know a spell/ritual to win child custody?

People think spells work with just a few remarks and some sort of brewing of some effusion in some cauldron. No. The type of spell you want is one that takes many years to develop and then only if the right things are done in the process because of so many life energies involved. You would literally have to change your whole lifestyle and then work incessantly toward the positive outcome of what you are trying to cause. And if the child custody isn't for you then you have to figure out what is needed to get the subject in line or coordinated with your desires. There is no quick fix when it comes to human energies and children and powerful forces already in control of the situation. Even the best of magicians know how hard it is to manipulate life energies already formed into matter and well on their normal course of finite material manifestations.

Im messing up my life someone tell me whats wrong with me?

You as many other not know what you want or expect in life.learn your lessons from your mistakes and try to not do such things to yourself.Its like digging a hole then bashing your head with the shovel cuz you don't know why you started digging and then wanting to die cuz you didn't bring a rope to climb ou with.

Why are homosexuals major perverts?

@ I like that! @ the white man, they should have months for all those disorders, where they raise money to find cures. I don't know if ur taking this argument to a biblical stand point but u really don't have that right. Point out the chapter and verse in the bible that says the white man is superior or hate ppl of color. Maybe then I'd agree with u. And I absolutely hate pedophiles, but racist pricks r next on my list.

How good are your translation skills?

You have to understand - liberals want fancy words so we poor common don't really know what they're talking about lol

What is Adware.skymedia? It was detected through my anti-virus software.?

It said successfully quarantined and deleted, but I was wondering what is that and how does it get on your computer?

Update about my cat again?

Ok. The dog with the drugs, that was probably an accident because the two men were most likely drug addicts and the dog got to some of there drugs. Now, the 2 cats, someones purposely trying to hurt them. Try to find out if a neibor hates you or your cats are getting into there garden. But before this, look around your entire house and go through EVERYTHING to make sure that you have no leaks of anything. Hope I helped.

I am a commerical diver and i cant dive anymore because of my second blood clot am I disable?

My Dr. told me that I will be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Because I only work at jobs that have alot to do with phyical lifting and operating heavy machine makes it hazardous.

Is jounalism hazardous as people think?

It depends...when most people say that, they are referring to dangerous articles that someone doesn't want made public such as an aryticle on corporate wrongdoing

Why is there no info about ADD online?

Im add and whenever I try to research it online I always find info about only ADHD how come it always shows that but not add? and I want to know if add and ADHD are really a form of autism

What would happen if our soldiers wore solid colors & used G3 rifles?

Solid colors are easy to see against other colors for example almost invisible against a sand dune, highly visible against a building. For the weapon it has to shoot 5.56 bullets are important it has to shoot NATO rounds. Or 7.79 mm rounds.

Something wrong in my neck don't know what.?

I had something a few weeks ago that sounds very similar to what you're describing. At first I thought it was a swollen thyroid gland or something, but when I went to my doctor he said it was a cyst that should disappear on its own after a few days. And it did! If I was you I would leave it like a day or two and if it gets worse then seek some more medical advice.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why do people keep asking if I am autistic?!?

Because you're hanging out with the wrong people. Really, given the tone and frequency of your posts, you should be living in another city and time.

Have i had a miscarrige? im 18 - please read?

A miscarriage is not light. It's very heavy. And very painful. I would assume that the different period you're experiencing is due to the antibiotic combination.

What to do with chargers/usb cords i don't want anymore?

lol, cleaned my room & found a hella amount of chargers/usb cords that i don't even recognize. i want to throw them away...but isn't putting them in the trash hazardous? i mean, i do care about the planet. lol so what do i do?

Tendonitis pain management? Basic pain management?

i have the same as u but i'm too scared to have the injection. i manage my symptoms with cocodamol tablet, ibroprofen gel +physio exercises, yes the 1st session bloody hurt. i also use massage (u have to massage the area until it stops hurting) none of this totally gets rid of the pain but it helps

How to get an A* in GCSE English Language without repeating yourself? (Non-fiction texts)?

You could talk about the countries where child labor was/is used, years and laws against it. Include info. regarding the country's economy and why it is acceptable in some cultures.

Should I say goodbye?

Im very mentally un-stable. I tried to kill myself about a month ago and Im a self-harmer. I drink smoke and do drugs. I have depression and Im on anti-depressants. Im in therepy. Im also in love with someone and I constatly hurt him by doing things to **** me up. I hate that I hurt him and I am realising how selfish it is to involve someone right now. I was thinking about telling him goodbye. This is so hard to even think about and I want to cry but I think it might be better for him. Any advice? Comments? Im in highschool and I know its stupid to love someone so young but I would give my life for him and there is nobody else in this world I care about like him. He is my world my life my everything even if Im young I know I love him so please dont comment on that. Should I say goodbye?

What is making my ear hurt?

On my right ear the anti helix/rook area hurts a lot. I don't have a piercing and never had one there so it's nothing to do with piercings. It feels sore and tender. When I press on it, it is very sore but if I press on my left ear there is no pain whatsoever. There is no bump or anything there and it isn't itchy at all just painful. I can't find anything about ears hurting without being related to piercings. Where is the pain coming from?

CM Punk's Promo was definitely a shoot(Not scripted) but what are your thoughts on what happens next?

The term "worked-shoot" means it WAS scripted. When it's not scripted it's just referred to as a "shoot." A worked-shoot is when a wrestler creates a scripted moment that is designed to appear as though it was not scripted. Monday Night Raw has already been filmed(it's not live next week). And it became clear that it was all part of a storyline. I'm not going to spoil what happens, so if you want to know, look it up.

A questions about people with aspergers syndrome?

Excuse me for any ignorance about it but from what I understand its similar to autism. And that people who have it a lesser developed area of the brain and an above average developed area of the brain. So it causes them to not focus on social skills at all, and anything else they choose to focus on and ge better at they will excell at it and become superb at it? If so are there people with it who could choose to excell at making a cure for cancer? Developing time travel although it is not linear? Just imagine what people with aspergers syndrome what they could do with their minds.


Both quotation seems reasonable, you can do the math easily. A bigger question to consider is who gives assurance that their installation is free from the dangers related to asbestos in work area and how long is the effectivity of this assurance . Airborne fibers from asbestos when inhaled could develop into a cancer commonly know as mesothelioma, and when this happen you face the risk of facing a lawsuit if you are the employer. I found this site for more information on asbestos related cases a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Treatments for social anxiety?

My therapist recently recommended I see my doctor about procuring a prescription for an anti depressant and something for social anxiety. I'm a teenager and had been expecting the anti depressant advice but not the social anxiety. When i hear anxiety, I automatically think benzo's but would something like valium or xanax be prescribed to a 17 year old? If not what would be an acceptable treatment? I vaguely remember some article I read about ssri's and social anxiety? Aren't ssri's used for depression also? Could i end up getting a two in one deal? Any insight? thanks.

Why do people feel the need to judge so harshly? Don't they think we know we've made mistakes?

People judge because its easy. It's easier to judge someone elses lives than it is to face the fact that we all have issues/situation that we may have done different in life if we could have, or should. It's easier to point a dirty finger than it is to give the benefit of the doubt. Hang in there.

Between George W Bush and Jonh Bheoner who is best fit Robin-hood Upside Down?

These two politicians totally work for rich international corporations and anti American social (the poor). Who is the best to fit reverse Robin-hood?

Why is that every girl I meet chooses another guy over me?

The two female friends I have now have boyfriends, and I'm 23 and yet never had one in my life or any friends to hang with more often because of my piece of **** autism and bipolarism, I try being a nice guy but the girls I come across only likes me as a friend I swear I ******* hate this, it seems being a nice guy doesn't do **** at all maybe its time to an @$$hole to everyone my that will help

What are the short term effects of inhaling moth balls?

a friend of mine has a small dollar store and had a snake problem she heard that mothballs would help keep them away so she spread them throughout the inside of the store but i am concerned the store smells so bad of moth balls it hits you in the face when you open the door and some of the products i have bought there smell like them to can this be hazardous to my health or her customers the store doesnt have good ventalation and how long could it take to get rid of them i am so worried she could have poisoned herself and her customers any helpful information or suggestions?

Is it normal to fantasize about threating/killing people?

I don't think it's a symptom of autism. It could just be that you have anger issues and make everything more dramatic. Unless you actually like the idea of killing, the words don't make you a killer; just an angry person. You can receive help for it if you like. If you do actually enjoy thinking about killing people, then that could definitely be a sign of being a murderer, so please get help for that.

Is it normal for a 19 year old with aspergers or autism to be immature? Or some?

I'm 19 and have aspergers (I developed it around middle school). My best female friend is 19 and autistic (she was born with it). We can't help it but are immature. Like for example, if someone her age pisses her off, she beats them up (she never goes to jail for it though). If people piss me off, even full grown adults, I'll curse them out. She doesn't say excuse me when she passes by people. She jumps up and down and yells when she's excited. I break objects when I'm mad. I tackled my mom once. She tackled her dad once. She never wants to work a job. I hate listening to my parents. I purposely ignore a lot of people when they're talking to me. She gets distracted very easily. Etc. It's true we each have an autistic boyfriend but they're more mature then us lol.

I feel upset that the lady friends I have chose other guys over me?

the 2 female friends I have now have boyfriends, I'm 22 and never had a girlfriend before or any guy or female friends to hang with, I mainly have hard time socializing do to my piece of **** autism, and now last year i finally gain 2 female friends and try being cool and going out with them, then suddenly one has a bf but first didn't want me to know because she feels I would get upset about it, now my other female friend i really care about now says on her facebook that she's in a relationship with some ****** looking douchebag, I try to be the greatest friend i could be but yet I end up with nothing, why can't girls like me?

Why is working as a female correctional officer stressful and hazardous?

Women are generally physically weaker than guys, so possibly less able to defend themselves from a physical attack. Women are more likely to be sexually harassed and sexually assaulted, I would think. Male prisoners do not get to see women very often, which I guess makes any women entering their midst very interesting to them and a target for their attention.

How come my friends arent very active and social with me at all? Im so sad :(?

Ive been trying and trying to get friends to hang out with and ive known these people for years. Weve had good times and bad. im very social and am friends with evryone. Well Heres the bottom line. i always seem to be the one to invite them and stuff and they never ever invite me anywhere .. only if im having a conversation with them or something. Im really REALLY FED UP with all of this!!! And every time i try to invite them there busy or out of town......... Well ??? Idk what to do my mom says i should get used to being alone. And i dont want to be. Everyone else hangs out with their clique and has loads of fun .... but me and my friends??? are like anti fun ...i dont get it... and im not a ***** to them .. id give my friends the world and advice ... im reallly really good to them .. i really need help

Why is autism so cool at the moment, and why is chlamydia not currently trendy?

cuz some people are born autistic and cant help it but if u dont screw around with a whore u wont get chlamydia and u can prevent stds

What do you think of my poem?

Amazing, i say. Excellent and so true for a poetry. I wish have the guts to write poems just like your work.

SAHM looking for friends...?

Im a 30 yr old mother of a 4 yr old girl with Autism, married, with baby #2 on the way! My husband works 3rd shift and i dont have alot of friends, looking for texting friends. When i need to chat about life, family or whatever. Im also a great listener!! I live in Wisconsin. Often find myself lonely lately, looking for someone to talk with.

Which is a better choice for after a circumcision is performed? Vaseline or Neosporin?

Do you think that Vaseline or Circumcision is better for after a circumcision is performed? And please if your anti-circumcision, don't bother answer the question, thank you.

Autistic/aspergers stepson dangerous to his baby half brother?

my 16 yo stepson ,possibly with aspergers or autism(being tested) dislike his baby half brother,he has admiitted as much to several people.Is he a danger to his brother? he often gives his brother filthy looks when he thinks no one is watching.i suspect he may have pushed him over a couple of time when he came to him wanting to play.he has shown no violent tendencies when i am present,but he has shown a lot of resentment and jealosy.he told he therapist he doesn't like his brother because his mum spends more time with the baby.

Are Ohio people abnoxious and rude?

I'm from Long Island as well, Nassau county and now I live in L.A. My friend, it is safe to say that people from outside NY are very different. That doesn't mean that they are all rude, there are rude and nasty people in every town, state and country in the world. Unfortunately, there might be more ignorant people in certain areas but I'd like to think that you were just on a plane with some jerks and you shouldn't blame the whole state of Ohio for it. Always be open minded and never stoop to their level. Best of luck

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I accidentally used my dogs syringe, will I be ok?

Hopefully your dog hasnt been sharing needles with the other neighborhood junkies. probably have aids. id get tested.

What is wrong with my computer?

Recently my computer started going loopy first all of my icons disappeared i tried everything i could think of and what i found on various help sites and nothing worked then shortly after that it totally crapped it would not boot to save my life so i reformatted it now it just stops working while im doing something this is actually the second time i have to type this question because it decided to do it before i could post my question its pretty slow and when i powered back on from a restart due to my anti-virus updating it was saying the disks needed to be checked for consistency (whatever that means) if you need more information and can do it send me a personal email it would be easier than using this to communicate because im sure the trouble shooting its going to be a back and forth thing please help me if i had the money for a new computer id get one because this one is just over 2 yrs old. thanks

Help with autism team shirts?

i am in the autism walk for november and i need help with what to write on the shirts. the back is going to say Team Emma (with a picture) and the front is going to have a picture too but i dont know what to write on the front! help me come up with something cute. Emma is the name of the person im walking for. please help!

How to get started in a hazmat career.?

I'm 18 and I want to become a hazardous material remover worker in Philadelphia Pennsylvania . How do I get started

Can you help me find an add?

It is an add of a picture of a model with straight hair looking straight into the camera holding a burning picture of her old, frizzy hair. The add is for an anti-frizz shampoo and was featured in either 2010 or 2011 Instyle magazine. This has been bugging me for weeks, can anyone please help? Thanks! :)

What happens to people who cant learn about God when they die?

for example, My brother has autism and has no way to fully understand God. Will god hold it against him that he didnt have the ability? After all he did make him that way. He has been baptized though. What do you think?

How would you react if your child did this to you?

There isn't anything you can do, With all the disorders he has. But he may grow out of this attitude. There is also a chance he won't. Only time will tell, but you may want to see if there is anything that will make him calmer, like getting him something he likes (probably food wise) and doing every ONCE IN A WHILE (meaning not everyday though you probably knew that :P) then you can have a few minutes of hopefully peace and quiet.

Not wanting to learn new skills a sign of Autism? Serious Answers only!?

My daughter has shown other signs of Autism like excessive tantrums, playing alone, being repetitive, etc We are making a list to take to her dr. Is not wanting to learn a possible sign.

What can happen if a baby loses oxygen from its brain at birth?

Cerebral Palsy has been associated with oxygen deprivation in infancy. In mild form it can cause physical developmental delays, more severely it can cause mental delays. A neurologist, not a counselor, would test for this. The cause(s) of autism is unknown, but autism is usually diagnosed by a developmental pediatrician (since it is usually found in childhood) or by a psychiatrist.

Joining the Brtish army with a history of self harm and depression.?

Unless you have left all these problems far behind you stay away from the armed services. They are looking for stable and dependable people who aren't going to crack when things aren't going right and people are under severe stress.

What's the policy on shipping fake ammunition in the USPS?

I produced a number of "dummy" rounds of rifle ammunition for a friend, They are totally deactivated, however at first glance they do resemble real ammo. He lives far away and I would like to ship them to him. Would I run into trouble when the USPS x-rays them? Would UPS be better? A label on the inside/outside explaining the contents. I really do not want to lose these especially when they aren't even hazardous.

What i would do as President... what do you think?

Why should churches be taxed? The money they get is used to help the poor. Why do you hate the poor?

BAD or GOOD idea for a story? (Fairly short)?

That sounds really good! Although don't make the romance part too overly dramatic. And for the title out of your two I think I like Paused better. Or maybe When Time Stood Still. Anyway it sounds good, keep working on it!

Environmental effects of sodium hydroxide?

I'm doing a project on oven cleaner and its main active ingredient sodium hydroxide. I'm asked to talk about the environmental effects sodium hydroxide has on the environment and so far I only have that it is hazardous to water and can kill fish. Does anyone know of other effects that sodium hydroxide has on the environment? Also, on a semi-related note, does anyone know what happens to hazardous waste after it goes to a hazardous waste site? Any answers would be appreciated.

If I'm smelling bat urine from the attic, is my health at risk?

We live in Uganda and have a terrible problem with bats in our attic. Perhaps one day we will figure out a way to get them out of there and seal it off so they can't re-enter. In the meantime we have managed to seal off our ceiling such that they no longer enter the house, nor do their droppings. However, we are smelling the urine up there. At times it is quite a strong smell. Is this hazardous to our health?

Will Mountain Man go camping this weekend or will he stay home to avoid the drunken amateurs in the woods?

Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor day weekends tend to fill campgrounds, forests, and parks with people who think camping is about being loud and drunk. Generally they tend to blow themselves up with their LP grills, pitch their tents in poison oak, play their music too loud, and get into hazardous situations that require skilled outdoors people to get them out of.

Do You Think People Believe these studies that say,there is no link between vaccines and autism?

Seems like more and more people are refusing to vaccinate their children,and you would think,that the vaccine companies and or the government would be wanting to do more studies.Do you think,they are trying to sweep it under the rug?

Is a job that's easy worth taking if it involves danger?

very much so Its worth every bit of danger Who else is gonna get there 30 minutes or less Long Live The Pizza Guy

Is this not the epitome of stupid activism and anti-darwinism?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Causes regarding public health?

Need ideas for a concern letter homework assignment but regarding supporting a cause to prevent a company from doing something that is hazardous to the public.

Career in truck driving?

okay so im at a crossroads in my life. at first i wanted to get a degree in criminal justice and have a career in law enforcement...but now I want to drive a truck. It aint about money to me. I love the open road and thats what I want as a career. I want to work for a local company that hauls asphalt oil (asphalt runs in my blood lol) but the bad part is im only 19. Since you can rarely get a job at 19 driving a truck in tennessee, i couldnt work for them strait off because if im not mistaken you have to be 21 to get a hazmat license since asphalt oil is considered a hazardous material, and they drive out of state. so heres my question. how would i be able to get a head start in my career since it will be 2 years before I can actually drive for them? and how would i go about getting my hazmat license once im able to?

Why cant energy be negative?

The universe is very symmetrical in many aspects. We have matter, antimatter. Magnetism, electricity, light ,dark. Particles and anti particles. Why is it that only energy lacks this symmetry

Monday, July 11, 2011

How can I make my wrinkly eyes, eye shadows, puffyness and crows feet begone?

I am 24 years old, been working late nights, been rubbing my eyes diligently because they itch, I have deep shadows under my eyes, eye wrinkles, crows feet, puffiness and so forth, I want to eliminate or possibly reduce them to the fullest extent. If anyone can recommend me a powerful remedy that I'd gladly appreciated. My eyes looks like they survived an epic battle with the power rangers, that's how messed up they are. Someone advise me to put vitamin e lotion on but I am skeptical of it's effectiveness.. Is there any superb anti aging eye wrinkle cream? Hence I'm not looking for concealers I want a permanent solution to this problematic situation.. Thanx in advance...... Am not looking for a under eye concealer as for I want to remedy this problem forever.

Would you invite the whole class list, even if you didn't know all the kids?

Ask your son if he wants to go and then go with him. You need to be there to supervise. Leave early if it becomes too much for you or your son. It may be a good testing ground for determining what your son can do and is willing to do to socialize with other kids.

Is my cat mentally retarded?

I got my kitten on may 14th 2011, shes 14 weeks old. She is a very, very lovable and affectionate kitten. i love her so much but i honestly think she is mentally retarded or has autism or something. I know that sounds mean but i want to know, maybe she just has failure to thrive syndrome. Okay so she smells, she doesn't clean herself properly, she's slightly cross eyed, very frail (but shes very well fed) she can not meow, she seems to have poor depth perception, she's not aggressive either. she doesn't seem to be able to fight for herself with our older cat when they fight playfully (who acts very motherly towards her). She doesn't know how to use her claws. she walks/runs clumsily almost as if she's drunk. And the weirdest thing that happened yesterday was that i had JUST cleaned her litter box completely with new litter and all and when she she approached it, she quickly backed up frantically, and then sprinted up the stairs to my parents bathroom and pooped in their bathtub. Someone please please tell me if they think this is odd or just random cat behavior!! thank you :)

How does hazardous waste get cleaned up from space?

Have you ever heard of the iPod game Space Monkey? There's a bunch of trash floating around in space and endangering live planets and it's all over Saturn's rings. You're allowed to collect the trash which is non hazardous such as a basketball or a pacifier but you can't pick up the batteries because they'll shock you and your monkey will get hurt. If this happened in real life, how would it be cleaned up? Knowing that the game is hard enough to pass through, I am certainly curious. I wonder how it got there in the first place too.

Is this dangerous/hazardous?

A pool was just built and completed in my backyard. It's completely done and you can swim in it. However, the electrician still has not come for the lights OUTSIDE of the pool. It's a fancy pool and there is going to be a light practially on the edge of the pool. There is an electrical wire that is going to hook up to the light but there is no light there yet. At times, the wire comes awfully close to the pool, sometimes touching it. I assume there is no electricity hooked up to it, but I don't know. Could this be hazardous?

Is indie anti religion?

I have no idea what you mean. "Indie" generally refers to Independent; such as independently produced music. There could be "Indie" produced religious music.

Asperger's Syndrome or just different?

Wow! That list is totally me as well, but I've always attributed it to my myers-briggs personality type as an ISTJ. Honestly we are all different, and there are lots of different types of people still within the range of "normal and healthy." Aspergers Syndrome is a disorder on the Autism Spectrum of Disorders. In order for something to be a DISorder, it must in some way be detrimental to your life, preventing you from functioning in a healthy way. Be at peace.

Did you know,that many kids diagnosed aith ADHD are later found to have ASD?

Autism spectrum disorder,or high functioning autism.If you go to the autism support network,you will find many people of both sexes and different ages and various degrees of impairment coming there saying,I wast just diagnosed with ASD.Do you know,many girls go undiagnosed?Becasue they think,mostky boys have it.Many of them are very smart,like Einsteine,but very socialy impaired,and it may not show up until much later.

Would you like a glass of water or coke ?

I would rather drink water. Occasionally Coke is nice. I already knew of the information you posted. Still very interesting.

How do I copy my file into a folder?

PLEASE READ THE FULL QUESTION BEFORE ANSWERING or I will mark your answer as abuse...Dont take the two points for granted..So it goes like this...I downloaded a torrent from utorrent and it contained Kaspersky Anti-virus 2011 and Kaspersky Internet Security 2011..I decided to install the anti-Virus first...I got KKE v0.534 with it along with the two keys...I installed the soft and of course there was a tutorial with it..It said that I should disable self Protection from settings which I did..It asked me to copy fltlib.dll and fltlib.ini files from the KKE folder..but it wont ..the computer says"MAKE SURE THE DISK IS NOT FULL OR WRITE-PROTECTED AND THAT THE FILE IS NOT CURRENTLY IN USE"..Now what should I do?i tried numerous things from encrypting files to hiding files but it wouldn't just budge up...Then I tried to copy some other files into the folder but again its still..I made sure that i wasnt using the anti virus by checking the taskbar and the Processes..Can it be that some other program might be using the folder..By general consensus I found that a file named "Abhelper.dll" wasnt moving through folders and wasnt deleting itself..i tried the command prompt and the notepad method but to no avail..I dont understand why this is happening..Sorry for my poor English..

What are the disadvantages of hydroelectric energy?

Hoover Dam is actually a hydroelectric power plant and it's almost perfect. The only disadvantage is #1 on your list. Occasionally fish are a problem with hydro power plants.

Do you think CPS is corrupt?

And how about the, oh let's see...thousands of times CPS did not take children out of the home because of procedures and the fear of lawsuits and bad press from idiots who think CPS takes good children away and those children ended up dying due to abuse?

How long will it take before the beach must be closed?

A local beach is monitored each year for chemical pollutants. Currently, the concentration of a certain hazardous chemical is 6 ppm (parts per million). The maximum safe level of this chemical is 20 ppm. If the concentration increases at 5 percent per year, how long will it take before the beach must be closed? I am suppose to use the FV function in Excel 2007.

Pop ups and perhaps a virus?

I would recommend you running alternative security applications, like superantispyware or spyware doctor to stop the virus.

Could my son be autistic?

Sounds autistic to me, I am actually autistic myself (Aspergers Syndrome) and I too find myself to focus on the most weirdest things without realizing it while simultaneously flapping my hands or squeezing my hands against my cheeks and moving my fingers. Autistics are naturally socially awkward which explains your sons lack of social interest (I can be socially awkward too). Autistics also have trouble expressing themselves which may be the explanation for his pain tolerance but that could be just part of his personality. Try giving your son some art supplies or something to do with music and see what he does, autistics are known to be naturally interested and gifted in art and music. My advice for you though is to not treat hi like he is autistic and treat him normally, that's how my family treats me and because of it I think of myself as normal and fit right in with everyone else, a lot of people i know didn't even know i was autistic until i told them or they asked about my hand flapping, none of them treat me any differently than they did before they knew I was autistic. Don't be embarrassed or disappointed about it some of the greatest people in the world were autistic such as Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison who both had Aspergers Syndrome

Can you please review my letter to my state senator.?

You did a very nice job. I would send it, but don't be surprised if you get nothing more than a " Thank You " if even that. I doubt if the Senator will even see your letter, but it's worth a try. Good Luck.

Story Idea! Introduction Included, Please Read?

I think you have much potential in your writing style. Keep it going. Don't adjust your writing unless it is found deep within you to do so. You seemingly express yourself well.

Hazardous material topic?!?

I have to wirte a paper for my hazardous materials class.. i can pick any topic and i'm having a hard time with this. a lot of the bigger spills like the bp oil spill and exxon valdez are already taken. anyone have any ideas?? it can be about anything related either an event or not. idk! please help! thanks :)

Does anyone poke themselves with pencils or pen?

I'm not quite sure how I developed this sensation of poking myself but I just have the urge to poke it on my hand/wrist area. Is it just me or does other people have this weird but soothing feeling? Because when I poke myself with a pencil or pen, I would feel a cold tingle that I sorta indulge on haha. It's like an addiction; just like cigarettes except I'm not sure if its hazardous in anyway to your health. LOL.. I did stop the poking but it sorta sneaked up on me from time to time so I'm just wondering if this is something I need to be concern about.

What legal drugs can be extremely hazardous or deadly?

My younger sister wants to "kill herself" I want to know what drugs from the common kit I have to keep away from her, any answers appreciated.

Did Adolf Hitler really have Autism/Aspberger Syndrome?

Here's a page of famous historian figures that are suspected to have autism, go to the Constroversial Speculation section to find Hitler, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I have lumps under the skin around my groin but not on it?

I am a male. They don't hurt at all but I can still feel them under the skin with my hand. They are mostly long and slender. They feel like long hard vains when I touch them with my hand. I don't know what they are and I am worried they are tumors or something. I have had them for a very long time but just now recognized it may be something hazardous to my health. Please help me. Thank you.

Beauty product website ?

theirs a website that shows all of the beauty product reviews and shows the ingredients thats in them and tells you if its hazardous or not, can you please help me look for if i forgot the name of the website

How to deal with Autistic tantrums?

The little girl that I babysit has Autism. She'll be turning 2 next month. She does not talk, respond to her name, play with toys, or make eye contact. She spends her time running in circles screaming, arm-flapping, etc. I love her to death, but the screaming gets to me. When you turn cartoons off, she throws a complete screaming, crying, hitting, and throwing tantrum and does not stop for a good 30-45 minutes. I literally have to hold her to stop her from banging her head on things. How do you stop these tantrums, or can you? Thanks.

What didn't happen on July 1st, 2011 in Georgia?

HB 87 Anti-Immigrant Bill did NOT become law. Do any undocumented immigrants want to share their story. I am writing a book to educate Georgians about how human, family-oriented and American, undocumented immigrants are. Please send any stories, family bios and info to You may give actual info or change the names and details to protect your identity. Help Jose Vargas, me and others educate America!! Happy Birthday America!! We love you!!

Someone tells you they don't think you have this disorder help?

i don't know what i say really but here i goes iv been fighting to show i have disorder that ruins my life from being normal to i can't look my self in the mirror and say im normal i don't want to lie to my self i need help with they tell me im to verbal and to social when i never leave my house and never want to see people you feel it so much in you're gut and they just don't listing i just need something to tell them to keep them speechless to help me help them see my point of view when i cry to the point i know its there and no one seems to listing to me when i do all the . i don't feel il live longer not being treated for this cause how bad my life is with it im not crazy just need help with def ears that im so good at hiding this disorder due to not being judged as a kid bully ed so i hid it in front of them so they never see it but they see i try to hide it but no one seems to hear me i wish someone would its been there since i was a kid and i know its there i teared up when i seen the symptoms i really need help i know but i think i just need someone to talk to about who can say i see it cause im really down over this i just end help wwith his battle since i can't fight it alone and i want to stick with my guns i think i have autism i can mark any thing in any symptoms list and cry at every video though there eyes cause i see it as me im not trying to insult anyone with it i just know im one of them thanks for reading if you did! you make me feel like i have a meaning and hope someone can be on my side

Almost 3 year old not talking?

I have a daughter who will be three in September and she doesn't speak yet. She makes a ton of different noises, follows certain directions and knows how to communicate what she wants/needs most of the time, but she does not say a single real word. She's been in speech therapy for about 6 months now and nothing has really changed and in July we have an interview to get her tested for Autism. My question is this: She's starting a sort of pre-pre-school in August and I'm hoping being around all the other children will help her to start speaking...I was wondering if anyone else has seen improvements in their children or other people's children's speech after starting school.

How can i obtain british citizenship asap and leave the states?

This could be cut down dramatically and more people would read it. The answer is NO, there is no shortcut to British citizenship. Talk to the nearest British consulate and see if you missed anything in your research. By the way there is NO free education or health care anywhere. You pay for it in higher taxes...and most countries with that system are also going broke now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I feel that people take advantage of me becuase I have aspergers(autism).? Why do they?

There are many good people in the world but you 1) don't seem to have met them yet 2) don't realize they're there. Your "friends"...I think they fell that you are nice - too nice, perhaps, so they freeload off you. They think because you have asperger's you're needy for company and owuld do anything for them ): I think you definitely deserve better. The good thing about all these is, you get to see who your real friends are. I hope you continue making friends, but if they refuse to help you and just use you, drop them. I hope you'll be able to find a girl who truly loves you, you can tell because if she doesn't mind being with you because she likes you 'cos of who you are, you've got the right person. :) Don't be discouraged kay? Some people don't even have parents to care for them like yours do. Don't think you're different, you're better than people in certain areas for sure, like you're not as mean as them, which is a really good thing and there should be more people as nice as you to make the world a better place. Nice people like you, will be rewarded somehow so don't lose hope :)