Saturday, July 16, 2011

My mom says I'm autistic?

I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not. I was never tested or anything like that. (Though she made me really paranoid so I took that AQ test online and scored 14? The average is 16.4 and most autistic people scored over 32?) Anyway, I'm sure I have all kinds of mental issues (I am pretty sure I am either depressed or bipolar, I used to self-injure on a regular basis; the last time was a few months ago.) I am on the computer a LOT, I do obsess about some things like I love musicals and Broadway and a bunch of actresses. I don't have a lot of friends but I like social situations, but I also like going to the library. I just don't think my mom gets me. I find her very frustrating, and I'm sure she finds me frustrating too, but she also likes to stir up random drama and believes a lot of what she sees and hears. She was just watching something online about autism, and that's when she came into my room and was like, "You're autistic!" I'm already an emotional person I think and have a lot of insecurities which I don't really show but my mom makes them come out when she says things like that to me. She puts me down on a regular basis, judging me on my appearance, especially my weight (I'm overweight but I am not obese. I am 5'3" and around 165 pounds.) I have nystagmus, which I am not as insecure about as I was when I was younger, but once my mom makes me question myself it really upsets me. I do burst out at her a lot, but I feel like it's because she antagonizes me and nags me and I just can't take it. But I digress. I know that this isn't a lot of information about me, but how do I know if I am autistic? Is there another test I can take? Or am I overthinking this and my mom is just a *****?

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