Saturday, July 16, 2011

Question 4 parents of children w/ autism, who have put them on meds 4 hyperactivity.....?

My daughter is 4, recently diagnosed with Autism. Her father and I are going to be putting her on meds to control her hyperactivity. Her Dr is in aggreement with us that we should try it. I have taken care of her since birth, Im a very strong woman, and my husband and I do reinforce time-outs and other methods for bad behavior. But as i told her Dr, Im to the point where I cant even control her anymore, at home, at the store, etc. Shes the same with my husband. So my question is, what have u tried? What were good/bad about the drugs? What kind of side effects? Any information on what YOU have tried, or been thru with meds for Autism would be great! Im NOT looking for people who want to leave comments about NOT drugging kids! You dont know OUR situation! Thank You!!

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