Sunday, July 10, 2011

I feel that people take advantage of me becuase I have aspergers(autism).? Why do they?

There are many good people in the world but you 1) don't seem to have met them yet 2) don't realize they're there. Your "friends"...I think they fell that you are nice - too nice, perhaps, so they freeload off you. They think because you have asperger's you're needy for company and owuld do anything for them ): I think you definitely deserve better. The good thing about all these is, you get to see who your real friends are. I hope you continue making friends, but if they refuse to help you and just use you, drop them. I hope you'll be able to find a girl who truly loves you, you can tell because if she doesn't mind being with you because she likes you 'cos of who you are, you've got the right person. :) Don't be discouraged kay? Some people don't even have parents to care for them like yours do. Don't think you're different, you're better than people in certain areas for sure, like you're not as mean as them, which is a really good thing and there should be more people as nice as you to make the world a better place. Nice people like you, will be rewarded somehow so don't lose hope :)

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