Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does anyone know a spell/ritual to win child custody?

People think spells work with just a few remarks and some sort of brewing of some effusion in some cauldron. No. The type of spell you want is one that takes many years to develop and then only if the right things are done in the process because of so many life energies involved. You would literally have to change your whole lifestyle and then work incessantly toward the positive outcome of what you are trying to cause. And if the child custody isn't for you then you have to figure out what is needed to get the subject in line or coordinated with your desires. There is no quick fix when it comes to human energies and children and powerful forces already in control of the situation. Even the best of magicians know how hard it is to manipulate life energies already formed into matter and well on their normal course of finite material manifestations.

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