Sunday, July 10, 2011

My father, wont to random fits of extreme anger of trivial things?

My father, a 53 year old male, is prone to fits of random anger over disgustingly insignificant occurrences on a daily basis. Though it is conventionally chalked up to a short temper which he, evidentially, does have, my mother and I have suspicions that it may be attributed to something more, due to the "fits" utter violence and spontaneous nature. He has a "meltdown", as we've dubbed it, on a daily basis, over the most mind-blowing trivial things you can think of. No scotch tape in the cupboard where he left it, he knocked over an empty soda can that someone left on the counter, a pair of scissors was missing from the drawer. A variation of bi-polar disorder has popped into our heads several times- almost anything can set him off at any given time, regardless of how he he was acting prior. His disposition has always been like this, for as long as I can remember ( though, I am only 15, as is evident by my lack of spelling skill. Sorry.) and long before my time, as my sisters ( 25 and 31 years of age) have indicated to me. They don't come home to visit as often as they would, due to his presence. He often proves controlling, a bit bigoted, stuborn, condesending and can do absolutely no wrong in his own mind. He leaves an empty water bottle on a hazardous place on the counter and knocks it over, and the fault is still my own or that of my mother's. He is most often angry and when one of his “fits” begins, he is usually in a foul disposition for the rest of the day, stomping about, yelling, swearing, banging things, acting quite violent, etc. It's not as if his job is exceedingly stressfull, nor are other aspects of his life- He works under his own rules and own "buisness" as a carpenter of sorts, he has consistant, flexable work, gets payed good amounts. My parents have and are not in danger of ever being under financiale stress, both my sisters are full grown and successfull, i'm not an over bearing burden to carry. Yet, he is wont to behave aggresively, going on for hours and hours on end because he could not find a fork in the cupboard and blowing up on any and every random occasion. I have had friends and neighboors scared off by his outbursts before, due to their EXTREAM intensity and the violent manner in which he bheaves. ( he does have blood pressure pills and has almost dropped dead right in front of us during a "fit" before, or so it seemed at the time. We were sure that he had sent himself into a heart attack, but he merely hypervinilated for some time.) He, as aforementioned, becomes ridicolously, violently angry over the smallest things, and, though I am not a considerably impresionable young person, nor am I totally un-callosued to the behavoir, it really does prove unnerving. I have beocome so unbelievably sick of having to listen to this on a daily basis, and am under the constant impression that if I so much as breath the wrong way, he will be set off. A sense of resentment has already, obviously, grown between us, and I do not entirely want to end up with the relationship -or lack there or- that he and my sisters share. What condition(s) may these behaviors be attributed to?

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