Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Don 't Like Going To The Church That I Go To ? My parents Don 't like me?

So like my dad is a Pastor and I have to got to church every Tuesday , and Thursday and Sunday but i don 't like it though cause probably i have a Penetencoastal relgious and i go to church with abunch of old people like in their 70 's 80s or 90 's. I go with my brother and my sister and they both play instruments foor the church and everyone is looking for me to do the same thing. Since the other one plays drum and the other plays piano. And anytime i some middle aged old person comes up to me ? They 'll ask you want to be a scripture reader or usher. I SAY NO i want to be a flim director for movies and aminations and stuff like that and a ballet dancer or professional cheerleader. It 's really diffrent cause there some things at church i just don 't understantd . Like if I 'm Pentecoastal does that mean i still Chrisitian? Why Does All The Holidays Have To Be Celebrated At The Church? Why Does This Church I go to have Not That Many Young People & More Old People? Why Has Penecostal Churches and The Number Of People That Go There Dropped More This Year Than It Did Last Year? What Would Happen If I Ask My Parents Why Cant 't I go to a Diffrent Church That Is Christian? I Am A Huge Justin Bieber Fan But My parents don 't like him because of who he is What Should I Do cause my dad keeps saying means things and what stop insulting him? He 'll be saying things like how he will choke him and stuff like that. And i 'm Just A Belieber and OMB if your a Belieber you know how i feel like? They just think i 'm weird? I 've always wanted to go to a 'JB Concert? So anyway the kids that go to church are like new born babies and this one kid is like two yrs old and he has autism but i don 't understand him? Because his mom comes but she acts like she does not know that he exsits

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